The move has begun

Angel Vs DemonGood morning everyone!  As always I pray that you are walking in God’s favor and blessings always and that your spirit is being renewed from glory to glory through striving for the goal that is Christ.  God spoke to me again about the coming times and season that we are entering.  Do you guys remember in the “Lord of the Rings” the third movie, when Gandalf says, “the final battle for middle earth has begun!”  Well my brothers and sisters I believe in my spirit and according to what God is showing me and what the word says about these days, that the final battle for the salvation of mankind has begun!  As we know the number 7 is the number of completion and I believe this year will complete the transition process from the wilderness and leadership by Moses or the law, in other words traditional or conservative ways of preaching the gospel to walking into the Promised Land with Joshua by following the Ark of the Covenant.  Stay with me I will explain.

If you remember that in my previous writing about the message in Ezekiel 9, God spoke about how he has begun the purification process.  Now of course God has a reason for purification.  The reason for this process is so that nothing from the old way of thinking and old doctrines and even false doctrines and sin will pass over to this new movement.  Only the righteous and pure in heart that truly “lament and cry about the abominations of the children of Israel” will have the honor of carrying the Ark and leading us towards the Promised Land.  We are being called to sanctify ourselves and keep our eye on the ark which is Jesus.  The reason this is such an important time is because the move that is beginning is completely brand new.  We are entering a phase that has never been seen before.  If we do not keep our eyes on Jesus and our focus on him we can get easily lost because no one knows this new way.  So if no one knows this new way, then if someone gets lost and you are following them, you will be lost also.  The only way to stay with this coming move and not get lost in false doctrines, antichrist spirits, false prophets, and all sorts of things that are going to be dressed like a sheep but are truly wolfs, is to keep your eyes on the ark and those carrying it.  The ark as we all know is a representation of Jesus.  In him is the law (the Ten Commandments), in him is the bread of life (the mana from heaven) and in him is the resurrection of life (Aaron’s rod that bud again)!

So I know your wondering where all this is in the scriptures, well here it is.  Turn with me to Joshua Chapter 3.  First off I need to explain something else.  Moses or “Mosheh” means to draw out or pull out in Hebrew.  During our time in the wilderness with Moses, we had to go through a process of drawing out.  Not only literally being drawn out of Egypt or “the world” but spiritually having everything that is not pleasing to God’s eyes pulled out and drawn out from us.  He also needed to show us examples of faith and miracles and feed us and keep us and guide us.  Through this he drew out our faith and drew out anointing that was in us to begin with but we never knew was there.  Through this period we have had our faith strengthened and the anointing on our lives expanded.  Through our walk in the wilderness God had to kill certain things in us, he had to rid you of things that he knew would hinder your walk with him.  Like all the people that God punished and/or killed during the exodus for different sins.  The Golden Calf , the sin of Nadab and Abihu, the murmuring of Merium, the evil report, the plagues, the gainsaying of Korah, even the sin of Moses and Aaron all these things were certain issues God had to rid the people of Israel. 

He does the same thing in us.  He pulls out everything he does not want in you and kills it.  It may not feel good at the time, we may not like the trials he puts us through but they are working a far greater weight of glory in us.  Ok so Moses is also the mediator of the Law.  He was the mediator between God and his people.  Law or God’s word (the bible) is our guide and mediator between God and us during these periods of drawing out and purifying.  We depend on the law because the law reveals sin and shows us what we need to change in our lives.  These are just the steps that one must go through in our spiritual growth.  We are entering another time where we no longer need a mediator between us and God but we have a direct link to Jesus and only Jesus.  I am in no way saying that we do not need the word in our lives, that would be crazy!  I am saying that the word stops being a revealer of sin and stops being the only thing that guards us and guides but now it switches to be our weapon and our instrument of faith and our source of salvation.  Joshua means “YAHWEH is salvation.”  So the law has done its work in our life it has shown us our sins, it has shown us our shortcomings, it has shown us that without Jesus we are doomed.  It now begins to be a source of grace; it transforms into Jesus and through him comes grace and truth.  The law (Moses) has brought us far enough and now (Joshua) God’s Salvation or “JESUS” will guide us the rest of the way.  I know this is a lot but, I’m trying to do my best in putting it in order. 

In Joshua 1:2 God tells Joshua that Moses is dead.  The Moses phase in our lives is over and it is time for Joshua’s phase.  Not just in our lives but for the whole body of Christ.  Now I will tie in what I was saying in the beginning.  In Joshua 3:2-5;

 So it was, after three days, that the officers went through the camp; and they commanded the people, saying, “When you see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, and the priests, the Levites, bearing it, then you shall set out from your place and go after it.  Yet there shall be a space between you and it, about two thousand cubits by measure. Do not come near it, that you may know the way by which you must go, for you have not passed this way before.”  And Joshua said to the people, “Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you.”

It says the officers commanded the people.  The officers are all the preachers and teachers and leaders.  They were commended that when they saw the Ark of the Covenant and the Priests and Levites and all of them carrying it, they were to follow it.  This means that when you see Jesus moving, you are to follow him.  The Ark being carried by priests and Levites is the Gospel being preached by our leaders.  It’s the message that is coming to the body of Christ, it’s the move in the new direction that we are about to take.  It says that they should leave a space between them and the Ark, why is this?  You have to realize that it was roughly about 2 million Israelites that where traveling together.  If they where close to the ark it would be easy to drift off because you cant see it in front of you and many would be lost, but if they kept it a good distance before them and focused on it then they would never lose sight.  It says do not come near it, that you may know the way by which you must go, for you have not passed this way before.  The way we are going is brand new completely different to anything we have seen or experienced before in our lives.  Not just us but the priests and leaders also.  The key is to follow the Ark, Jesus!  This path or this new generation is so new and so different that it will be easy to get lost in many different things that the devil will put out there to confuse and to disrupt.  If you are focused on Jesus and only Jesus then you cannot get lost.  There are so many of us and if we put our eyes on a person or a ministry and lose focus on Jesus, we can be lead astray.  It’s a hole new generation, a hole new move with a whole new anointing.  It is imperative that you keep your focus on Jesus and not just on a person or leader or ministry because these coming days are brand new for everyone and I mean everyone.  Even those who are in high positions and are in charge of many souls have never seen this before and if they do not stay focused on Jesus they will lead many the wrong way and not even know it. 

The following thing that Joshua says is “sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you!”  Hallelujah the Lord is going to do things that will amaze the world.  We are going to witness a move of the Holy Spirit like never before.  With so much power and so much influence it will be tremendous.  We must prepare ourselves, we must sanctify, we must focus on Jesus, we must train our spiritual muscles and sharpen our sword (our knowledge of the word) and yield our shield of faith, put on your helmet of salvation, dawn your breast plate of righteousness and gird yourself with the belt buckle of truth and the boots of peace.  Prepare for war my brothers and sisters.  You have to understand that when two apposing armies are under the understanding that this is the final battle, that this is their last chance for control, that there will be one winner and one loser at the end of this, they will come at each other will full force.  They will bring out all the weapons and all the tactics and everything in their arsenal to win.  How many know that Stronger is he who is in us then he who is in the world!  Praise the Lord!  I’m not worried about who is going to win the war, we know that the battle has already been won but I am worried for all the casualties of war.  It is our job to fight in the front lines, we are to protect and rescue the weak and lost, it is our job to set up Emergency clinics and to care for the wounded, it is our commandment to love one and other as Jesus loved us but more importantly to love Jesus first before anything or anyone else.

Brothers and sisters we are in the front lines and we have the knowledge and understanding that we have nothing to fear and nothing that can stop us but we have to train others in the same understanding and knowledge.  We have to rescue the lost help them get clean and turn their faces towards Jesus.  He is our strength he is our source of life and he will never leave us nor forsake us.  Rejoice my brothers, praise the Lord my sisters for our King is coming, our King is returning for us and we shall soon be eating together with Him at the biggest feast you have ever imagined.  Stay focused on the Ark do not lose faith, be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.  I am trembling with Excitement as I imagine the things that God has in store for us. 

 God bless you and keep you!